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    Hollywood DOF Adapters




Hollywood DOF Mega Bundle



Hollywood DOF  Adapter with Achromat  




Hollywood DOF Flip Monitor

Note: Must have a 12volt Power Supply



Hollywood DOF Rail Support System




Hollywood DOF Follow Focus




Hollywood DOF Whip For Follow Focus



Hollywood DOF Matte Box




Mattebox with 4:3 & 16:9 format mask, Front Adjuster, 1- Set of Side flags, 1- French Flag,2- Filter Tray Holders,  5- Donut Rings

Mattebox comes with both 4:3 and 16:9 aspect ratio format so that this mattebox can be used with both normal as well as wide angle lenses. 4:3 and 16:9 ratio mask can easily be attached or detached with four small screws in the front of the mattebox. Sunshade/filter holder features a non-reflective rectangular shade that allows for single or dual filter applications. This Mattebox has two 4"x4" filter holders; perfect for polarizer and combination of square filters.Rotating filter holder enables user to eject or install square filter without disturbing microphone or flash settings.

FOAM DONUT RINGS : Mattebox with rod support attaches to the DV cameras in such a way that only a soft foam cushioned lens ring (DONUT) contacts lens barrel, so you don't have to worry about your lens during the bumps and grinds of capturing exciting footage.

Kit includes five donut with inner diameter 81mm, 78mm, 75mm, 65mm, 54mm.



Hollywood DOF  Battery 4800 mA hrs.

For Flip Monitor

Last Approx. 8 Hrs




Hollywood DOF Hot shoe Adapter

For Flip Monitor





Hollywood DOF Mega Bundle mounted on HVX-200

(camera not included)

Bundle Includes:

1. Hollywood DOF adapter with Hd Achromat your     choice Nikon or Canon Mount

2. Hollywood DOF Flip Monitor

3.Hollywood DOF Follow Focus.

4.Hollywood DOF Whip for Follow Focus.

5.Hollywood DOF Rail Support System/

6.Hollywood DOF 4800 mAh 12volt Battery

7. Hollywood DOF Matte Box

8. Hollywood DOF Hot Shoe Adapter.

9. Hollywood DOF Adapter Support for Rail System. This product is not offered except in the Mega bundle.  A $45.00 value.


Only $1499.00

Click Here for assembly instructions



Please allow 3 weeks for Shipping and Handling for all Products.

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